Our work.

A Landscape for Everybody

A short film about Fjällbete, showcasing an idyllic hub of agricultural innovation, community building, and visionary thinking in Undersåker, Sweden. The video features shepherd and educator, Jörgen Andersson, and his commitment to an agricultural system which honors the principles of holistic management and folkbildning.

Funded by the Savory Institute.

The Trial of Steven donziger

Human rights lawyer, Steven Donziger, spent 993 days under house arrest on trumped up charges by a corrupt judicial system for daring to confront Chevron for their crimes against local and indigenous Ecuadorians, where they knowingly polluted lands and waters with oil in the 1960s, leading to environmental destruction, cancer, and human rights violations in the Amazon. This video is a look inside one his first days in court, where eventually he would be sent to prison for 45 days.

Savory Network Reunion - Portugal 2023

Highlight reel showcasing the Savory Network Reunion in Portugal, where the non-profit gathered its global members for a week of connection, collaboration, excursions, and delicious food.

Funded by the Savory Institute.